Recycling and Other Services
that help your business thrive

Learn how Aplus Communications can help your business run efficiently!
circuit boards ready to be recycled

Aplus Communications has the expertise to help your business grow!

Ethical Electronic Recycling

Cleanly dispose of all your business’s old electronics

Scrap Recycling

Metal Scraps, discarded wire, construction debris. We handle it all!

Accounting Services

Income tax services for you and your business.

Trucking and Shipping

Get your stuff where it need to go.

Construction Expertise

Expand your office to handle your growing needs or remodel your home.

Reusable Lifecycles

Aplus Communications can help get your scraps integrated back into material supply lines.

Reduced Landfill: With our recycling services, you can keep any recyclable items out of the landfill.

Ecological Solutions: Recycling is the green solution to managing your waste streams.

Fast Processing: Our recycling professionals will quickly handle your waste so it won’t slow down your business.

copper wires backgrounds

Avoid the Landfill

Recycling can be easy and cost efficient. Let A Plus Communications handle the compliance and coordination of recycling your waste scraps.

Proper Waste Routing: Not all waste needs to go into a landfill. Give your scrap materials another chance to be useful.

Affordable Solutions: Our recycling services can be an affordable alternative to standard trash disposal.

Electronic Disposal: Disposing of old computers and electronics doesn’t need to be difficult. Let our experts properly recycle your electronics.

pile of old motor parts scrap metal for recycling

Contact Aplus Communications

See how Aplus Communications can provide services to help your business.
Call Juan Silva at 847.226.5332